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Nature | White Fox Pictures Award winning production company Tue, 23 Jan 2024 07:24:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Becoming the King Thu, 20 Feb 2020 09:09:49 +0000


Deep in the heart of Brazil, lies a wetland so vast that you can see it from space: The Pantanal.

For over 2 million years, it’s Pantanal itself who shaped a mysterious creature out of sun, water and dirt. A giant, capable of ruling over its lushy land and ensuring its balance…This creature, almost twice as large here as anywhere else in its distribution range, is the jaguar of the Pantanal.

Just like the Pantanal that gave birth to it, it is as dazzling as it is unforgiving. Its beauty is without equal, but its jaw is the most powerful in the animal kingdom.

With the heat, humidity and the enchanting colors reflected in thousands of rivers, the Pantanal seems to cast a spell on any living creature that crosses it: A bewitching fever that transforms you. No one can emerge unscathed from a life in the Pantanal.
This fever is the daily life of Abigail Martin, a young American biologist. 10 years ago, she was shocked by her 1st encounter with a jaguar, struck by the animal’s power of attraction and its aura. Since then, her life has taken a turn, and she now focuses all her energy on trying to unravel the mysteries surrounding America’s largest predator.

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    Emmanuel Rondeau


Coming soon.

Les Grandes Maisons de la Nature Tue, 02 Jul 2019 11:14:29 +0000

Les Grandes Maison de la Nature

Les Grandes Maisons de la Nature (Nature Big Houses) is an exhibit we developed for VINCI Autoroutes in 2019. The exhibit is based on 5 years of work producing images in the wildlife corridors installed by the company above and below its network of highways throughout France.

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    VINCI Autoroutes

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Production d’images puis réalisation d’une exposition sur une aire d’autoroute à destination des vacanciers. L’exposition consiste en 5 grands cubes de 2m40 de base représentant 5 grandes “maisons” (au sens médiéval du terme) de la Nature : Les maisons ds Blaireau, Cerf, Martre, Chat Sauvage, Renard.

L’essentiel des images de l’exposition a été réalisé sur les ouvrages de VINCI Autoroutes permettant aux animaux de passer au-dessus ou au-dessus des autoroutes en sécurité.


Production of images and then making of an exhibit on a highway resting area for driving travelers. The exhibit displays 5 large cubes 2m40 large presenting 5 big “houses” (in the medieval sense of the word) of Nature : The houses of the Badger, Deer, Pine Marten, Wild Cat and Fox.

The large majority of the images have been produced on the wildlife crossings of VINCI Autoroutes, allowing animals to move below of beneath the highway in total security.



MISSIONS Tue, 13 Mar 2018 16:41:52 +0000


MISSIONS is a Web & TV show allowing the audience to jump into unprecedented quests.

Thanks to conservation efforts, wildlife icons are slowly reconquering natural habitats. Unnoticed from the world, they are roaming deep forest, high mountains and forgotten villages. What if we were able to reveal their presence by making breathtaking high definition images of those animals in places where they have never been shot before?

Filmmaker and photographer Emmanuel Rondeau is precisely doing this, chasing impossible images of wildlife ghosts. Father of a series of world first images of big cats around the world, Emmanuel is in front of its biggest mission to date: partnering with WWF to make unprecedented images of a series of endangered species to attract the world’s attention and advocate for their conservation.

Using cutting edge technology, a touch of humour, and help from rangers around the globe, Emmanuel’s Missions are not going to be easy journeys. Facing torrential downpours in Bhutan, armies of starving mosquitos in Guyana, freezing temperatures in Siberia or poachers in Congo, will Emmanuel succeed? Whatever happens, this is going to be incredible adventures.

Welcome to MISSIONS.

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  • Broadcast date

    July 2017

  • Format

    6 x 5 minutes


    WWF UK, WWF Bhutan, Department of Forests and Park Services of Bhutan

Join Emmanuel as he journeys to the heart of the mysterious Kingdom of Bhutan in an attempt to capture the majestic Bengal tiger on camera. With only around 100 tigers in the whole of Bhutan, Emmanuel’s mission will not be an easy one. Faced with torrential downpours, high altitudes and extreme terrain, he will be pushed to the limit on his quest.



  • Broadcast date

    April 2019

  • Format

    6 x 5 minutes


    WWF France, WWF French Guiana, French Armed Forces, CNRS, KWATA

The biggest protected tropical forest in the world could very well also be the most mysterious one. According to scientists, 80% of the biodiversity of the Guiana Shield is unknown to Science.

Emmanuel’s mission is to penetrate this magical forest, starting from the legendary Nouragues Natural Reserve in Central French Guiana, and to bring back a high definition image never achieved before in the heart of the forest : one of the iconic Jaguar in its natural habitat.

Sharing the life of an incredible team of scientist in the forest, and with rangers patrolling the area to fight illegal gold mining, his mission won’t exactly be easy!

TARAVO : Une vallée en héritage Tue, 28 Nov 2017 11:58:35 +0000

TARAVO : Une vallée en héritage

Campaign for saving the Taravo river in Corsica, one of the very few having the ‘Wild river’ label in France. An 11 minutes film along with one short TV ads for Wild Corsica.

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    Collectivité territoriale de Corse

  • DATE:



    Emmanuel Rondeau


Le bassin du Taravo, véritable réservoir de vie, tient une place socio-économique particulière en Corse, en lien avec sa situation géographie et la qualité de son environnement.

L’utilité de préserver ce cours d’eau passe avant tout par l’identification des services qu’il rend à la population, qu’il s’agisse des riverains, des exploitants agricoles, des artisans ou encore des professionnels du tourisme.

Certains de ces services sont évidents car ils sont liés à un usage direct des cours d’eau (irrigation, adduction en eau potable), d’autres à une fonction (autoépuration, sports d’eaux vives, support de biodiversité).

A l’heure ou des discussions sur la construction d’un barrage sur le Taravo émergent en Corse, ce film est produit pour rappeler le caractère tout à fait exceptionnel du site et les innombrables avantages de conserver cette rivière vivante.


The Taravo Bassin is a pool of Life, and is holding a very special place in the socio-economic life in Corsica, linked to its geographical position and the quality of its environment.

To save this river, one has to identify the services it provides to the people, whether they are villagers, farmers, craftsmen or tourism professional.

Some of those services are obvious and linked to its direct usage (irrational, drinking water), and others to one of its function (water sports, home fo biodiversity, natural water purification).

Nowadays, discussions have started around the idea of building a dam on the river, which will have disastrous effects on the river. This film is made to show how extremely rare the Taravo is, and how important it is to save it.

ZIMBRUL Fri, 15 Sep 2017 12:25:39 +0000


“Zimbrul” is the film about the incredible story of how by coming back to its former range of Transylvania, the European bison brought with him a new era for the country.

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    WWF Roumania, Rewilding Europe, European Union


    Emmanuel Rondeau


    Emmanuel Rondeau




Peu d’espèces symbolisent l’état de la conservation de la nature en Europe aussi puissamment que le bison Européen. Presque éradiqué au siècle dernier, il a évité la disparition grace au travail passionné de conservationnistes, à partir de quelques individus conservés en captivité. Bien qu’elle bénéficie dorénavant d’une nouvelle conscience environnementale en Europe, l’espèce n’est toujours pas hors de danger et reste aujourd’hui quasiment inconnue du grand public. Il y a pourtant moins de bisons en Europe que de rhinocéros en Afrique.

Domicile de certaines des derniers écosystèmes intacts en Europe, la Roumanie est actuellement à la croisée des chemins. Des décisions doivent être prises prochainement sur l’apparent conflit qui oppose le développement économique et le développement de la nature. Le fructueux et réussi projet de réintroduction de bisons dans le sud du pays pourrait non seulement changer la vie des locaux et leurs relation à la nature, mais mettre le pays tout entier dans la bonne direction pour les décennies à venir.


Few species symbolise the state of nature conservation in Europe as vividly as the European bison. Nearly extinct in the last century, it was rescued by passionate conservationists from the last animals in captivity, and although it is now benefiting from a growing environmental awareness, the European bison is still not out of danger and remains virtually unknown to the general public. There are fewer individuals of our largest European land mammal in the wild than there are black rhinos in Africa.

Home to some of the very last pristine ecosystems in Europe, Romania is currently at a crossroad  where decisions have to be taken in the apparent conflict between economic development and nature development. The successful project of Bison reintroduction in the southern part of the country could not only change the life of locals and their relationship with nature, but set the whole country in the right direction for decades to come.

"Bison were a “force of nature, they once helped shape the ecosystem of an entire continent."

Keith Aune of the Wildlife Conservation Society in New York
Terre de Pélites Wed, 22 Feb 2017 14:00:58 +0000

Les Gorges de Daluis

5 minutes educational documentary about the gorges of Daluis, in Southern France, usually referred as the “French Colorado”.

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    LPO, Réserve Naturelle de France


    Emmanuel Rondeau


    5 minutes

  • YEAR:



Les Gorges de Daluis constituent un canyon formé par le Var dans les Alpes Maritimes dans le Sud de la France, traversant les villages de Guillaumes et Daluis.

Visuellement impressionnant et géologiquement passionnant, l’équipe de White Fox Picture a été responsable d’écrire, tourner, et post-produire un film de 5 minutes permettant à tous de découvrir et de mieux comprendre ce site exceptionnel.


The Gorges de Daluis is a six-kilometer-long canyon formed by the river Var in the Alpes-Maritimes department in southeastern France. It runs south from Guillaumes to Daluis.

Geologically and visually intense, the White Fox Pictures crew was responsible for writing, shooting and editing a 5 minutes pieces allowing a wide audience to discover or re-discover this unique site.

Mission Tiger : Bhutan Mon, 02 Jan 2017 12:59:26 +0000

Mission Tiger: Bhutan

A 6 x 3 minutes mini series following filmmaker Emmanuel Rondeau in his mission to photograph wild tigers in Bhutan

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    WWF, Discovery, Auvergne-Rhône Alpes Region


    Emmanuel Rondeau




    6 x 3 minutes


Emmanuel Rondeau, réalisateur et photographe de la flore et la faune sauvage, est en mission pour le WWF afin d’aller à la recherche d’un des félins les plus difficiles à trouver au monde : le tigre du Bengale, une des espèces les plus menacées au monde.

Accompagnez Emmanuel dans son voyage au coeur du mystérieux Royaume du Bhoutan, dans sa quête de photographier cette majestueuse espèce qu’est le tigre du Bengale.

Avec seulement une centaine de tigres dans tout le Bhoutan, la mission d’Emmanuel ne sera pas évidente. Devant faire face à des pluies torrentielles, à la haute altitude et à des conditions de terrain extrêmes, Emmanuel sera repoussé dans ses retranchements.

Tout au long de cette mission, nous nous plongerons dans la culture et les traditions du Bhoutan, où les tigres sont vénérés comme des dieux, et nous irons à la rencontre des personnes qui ont dédié leur vie à protéger ces grands félins emblématiques.

Emmanuel arrivera-t-il à compléter sa mission et photographier un tigre ? Quoiqu’il arrive, cette aventure s’annonce incroyable. Bienvenue dans Mission Tiger Bhutan !


Emmanuel Rondeau, wildlife filmmaker and photographer, is on a mission to track down one of the most elusive big cats in the world: the endangered Bengal

Join Emmanuel as he journeys to the heart of the mysterious Kingdom of Bhutan in an attempt to capture this majestic species on camera.

With only around 100 tigers in the whole of Bhutan, Emmanuel’s mission will not be an easy one. Faced with torrential downpours, high altitudes and extreme terrain, he will be pushed to the limit on his quest.

Along the way, we’ll delve deeper into the culture and customs of Bhutan, where the tiger is revered as a god, and meet the people dedicating their lives to protecting this iconic big cat.

Will Emmanuel capture a tiger on camera? Whatever happens, this is going to be one incredible adventure.

Welcome to Mission Tiger.

The series

Media outreach

La Dronne Sat, 10 Dec 2016 16:22:44 +0000


4 x 6 minutes web series on a 4 years conservation project managed by the Périgord Limousin Regional Park (France) to save the river Dronne as well as its unexpected host, the Pearl Mussel.

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Le Parc Naturel du Périgord Limousin, en lien avec l’Université de Bordeaux s’est lancé dans un projet LIFE de 4 ans (2015-2019) pour restaurer la continuité écologique d’une de ses rivières, la Dronne, et ainsi sauver une espèce en danger critique d’extinction, la moule perlière.

White Fox Pictures est responsable de la création d’un cout film de 5 à 7 minutes tous les ans permettant de suivre l’évolution de ce projet unique en Europe par son envergure.

Géré par le Parc Naturel Régional du Périgord Limousin, le projet est financé par les fonds LIFE de l’Union Européenne.


The Périgord Limousin Regional Park, with the Bordeaux University embarked in 2015 in a 4 years adventure to restore the ecological continuity of one it is river, the Dronne, as well as saving a critically endangered and unknown species, the Pearl Mussel.

White Fox Pictures is responsible for creating one 5-7 minutes short film every year telling the story of this project, unparalleled in Europe in terms of scope.

Managed by the Périgord Limousin Regional Park, the project is financed by LIFE fund managed by the European Union.

"Fluidity is the true greatness of rivers"

Onesime Reclus
Rewilding Europe Tue, 27 Sep 2016 09:36:05 +0000

Rewilding Europe

3 minutes official trailer of the Rewilding Europe NGO

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    Rewilding Europe


    Emmanuel Rondeau




    3 minutes


Qu’est-ce que Rewiding Europe et que font-ils ? Pour le dire simplement, Rewilding Europe travailler à rendre l’Europe plus sauvage qu’elle ne l’est actuellement, en  donnant plus de place à la vie sauvage, aux étendues sauvages, et aux processus naturels, tout ceci pour que l’Homme et la Nature en profite ensemble.

White Fox Pictures a géré la production du film officiel promotionnel de l’ONG en tournant dans 4 décors différentes (Croatie, Roumanie, Portugal et Suède).


What is Rewilding Europe and what are they up to? To put it simply, Rewilding Europe is working to make Europe a much wilder place. A continent that allows for much more space for wildlife, wild nature and natural processes because this is good for man and nature alike.

White Fox Pictures managed the production of this trailer including 4 different locations (Croatia, Romania, Portugal and Sweden).

Making of for our partner : Canon France

The film was made with technical and financial help from Canon France and entirely shot with CANON EOS 1D-X Mark II body and Canon L lenses.

"Wild nature is recognised as an important and fundamental part of Europe’s natural and cultural heritage and is an essential element of a modern, prosperous, and healthy European society"

Frans Schepers, Managing Director of Rewilding Europe
Yellowstone National Park – A land of ice and fire Wed, 03 Feb 2016 09:07:03 +0000

Yellowstone National Park - A Land of Ice and Fire

A purely musical and visual film of 4 minutes allowing the audience to dive into a winter in Yellowstone National Park

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    Canon France


    Emmanuel Rondeau


    4 minutes


Lever le voile sur le Parc National Américain de Yellowstone en hiver est une expérience fascinante. Dans ces paysages lunaires sculptés par les forces de la planète, une incroyable faune se cache, enveloppée dans la brume de l’aube. Ce voyage inspirant nous rappelle à des âges passés. L’activité géothermale nous démontre jour après jour les forces dont a fait preuve notre planète pour permettre la vie, même dans au coeur de l’hiver.


Unlocking the mysteries of Yellowstone National Park (USA) in the middle of winter is a fascinating experience. In those lunar landscapes carved by the forces of the planet, an amazing wildlife is lying, shrouded in the morning mist. This inspiring travel brought us back to the bygone ice age. Signs of a geothermal activity are still giving a vision of the forces that our planet unfold to provide life, even in the heart of winter.
