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EuroVenus | White Fox Pictures


A set of 6 x 10 minutes #Web series, 12 x 2 minutes #News and 3 minutes 360° #VR Virtual Reality film focusing on the work of the E.U funded research consortium ‘EuroVenus’, gathering the very best European experts from planet Venus to make incredible new discoveries.

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    Observatoire de Paris, Oxford University, European Union


    Emmanuel Rondeau



    6 x 10 minutes + 12 x 2 minutes + 3 minutes VR/360°


En 2015 et 2016, White Fox Pictures a eu l’immense privilège de partager la vie d’un groupe de scientifiques Européens hors du commun travaillant dans 6 pays différent mais ayant un seul et même but : lever les mystères de la planète la plus proche de nous : Vénus.

Notre responsabilité était de retranscrire ces deux années sous la forme d’une web série documentaire de 6 x 10 minutes, d’une série de 12 pastilles #NEWS permettant aux chercheur d’enregistrer des “log” eux mêmes directement devant une webcam ou un téléphone et enfin d’un film en 360° VR permettant aux spectateurs de se retrouver littéralement plongé au coeurs des télescopes d’Hawaii et de Vénus !

Ce projet, géré par l’Observatoire de Paris, a été financé par l’Union Européenne.


In 2015 and 2016, we had the huge privilege at White Fox Pictures to share the life of an amazing group of European scientist working in 6 different countries but working together toward the same goal: lift the veil on the mysteries of Venus, the closest planet from us.

Our responsability was to tell the story of thoses two years with a documentary web series of 6 x 10 minutes, a series of 12 video logs directly recorded by the scientist themselves with their webcam or smartphone and an innovative 360° VR film allowing the audience to experience what it is to be in the giant telescope of Hawaii and to be walking on Venus itself!

This project, managed by the Paris Observatory, was funded by the European Union.

Additional information

A 52 minutes of the web series was edited and screened at the GEoCinema event part of the EGU Conference (European GeoScience Union), April 2017.

The 360°/VR film “A journey to Venus” was selected at the Tech Doc Festival in Seattle, January 2017.

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